Hello there!
My name is Katherine Lamb, Kate for short, and I’m so glad you’ve found my little corner of the internet. I’m a Mama, designer, storyteller, and stylist. A lover of beauty and a lover of language, fascinated by the ways we understand and express ourselves to each other. I believe the way we dress tells our story- whether we tell it on purpose or on accident. My heart for you is to see you discover yourself and tell your story on purpose. You are radiant and utterly unique, worthy of beauty, honesty, and the connection that comes with them.
From my heart to yours, welcome. I hope you find a little piece of yourself here, and carry it out into the world with renewed confidence. You were made for this, capable of blooming and transforming right where you are. It’s my honor to contribute my work to your story. Now get out there and tell it on purpose!